Deep Space originated from a simple yet revolutionary idea: to make digital construction "Super Easy". Born out of the frustrations and limitations encountered in traditional construction processes, our founders aimed to build a solution that not only enhanced the way projects were managed but also to revolutionise the industry by optimising the acquisition, analysis, and application of construction data.
At Deep Space, Project Intelligence is about providing mission-critical assistance to construction teams. Our platform, Deep Space, streamlines project management from Design to Handover by automating data management, delivering actionable insights, and enhancing collaboration.
We do this by:
- Reducing Time and Cost Overruns: Analytics to predict potential delays and cost overruns before they become critical, enabling preemptive adjustments.
- Ensuring Project Certainty: With comprehensive data analytics, we provide a level of certainty in project outcomes, mitigating risks and enhancing decision-making.
- Enhancing Transparency Across Teams: Deep Space facilitates a transparent environment where every team member, from the modelling team up, has access to the information they need, when they need it, fostering collaboration and efficiency.
To revolutionise the construction industry by simplifying Digital Construction processes. We believe that by making complex data easy to manage and actionable, we can not only improve project outcomes but also contribute to building smarter, more sustainable environments.
At Deep Space, our vision is to optimise the construction and operation of the Built Environment through the intelligent use of data. We envision a construction industry where efficiency, accuracy, and seamless collaboration are the norm, on every project around the world.
Deep Space is a product of Virtual Built Technology, and is the culmination of years of work consulting and developing tools for our clients in the AECO industries.
We wanted to build a tool that could manage the data designers, constructors and owners are creating, editing and delivering every day. A platform to visualise and connect data that's beyond simple 2D and 3D.